Category: Sportsbooks

  • Sportsbooks have inside information

    Sportsbooks have inside information

    No, your local bookmaker “knows nothing that you don’t know” or has inside information about the outcome of a match or game. Sportsbooks create the odds and adjust the lines to make the bet as close to 50/50 as possible. They want to mitigate risk, so they balance both sides of the betting column. They…

  • Live Betting Strategies

    Live Betting Strategies

    More and more sports betting fans are focusing on strategies involving live betting. Betting products in this sector have experienced a surge. So has the number of live bets placed. For some bookmakers, like 20Bet, live bets represent roughly half of all bets placed. For this reason, we’re presenting to you our experiences with live…

  • The role of luck and chance in betting: How to minimize the luck factor

    The role of luck and chance in betting: How to minimize the luck factor

    Betting has always fascinated people. It combines the thrill of the unknown with the hope of winning. But while many believe that luck is the only deciding factor, there are numerous ways you can minimize the influence of chance and luck. How? 1. Understand the basics Before you plunge into the world of betting, it…